Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Process of Creation!

We bought these painters suits and modified them to use as our costumes. We bought 2 from Home Depot and one from Lowes. Needless to say, they were WAY too expensive, 8 and 7 dollars respectively. Since we need 25 to 30 of these costumes for our extras and for backups paying 7 and 8 dollars a piece is too expensive. We need some ideas, so if you know where to get some cheap, decent quality painters coveralls, let us know.

The whole process of making these costumes was fun but incredibly scary. We talked for a long time about the colors we wanted to use for Logan's costume, we knew that we wanted the gas masked figures to be in a dark color. We settled on an... interesting color for Logan. You will see it when we post the promo.

Anyway, Addam Vigil, our costume designer designed the costumes and they ended up looking great. Below are some pictures of us beginning the process.

You can sort of see the colors on the top of the paint cans, we actually decided to tone it down. 

Creating a barcode. A lot more difficult than it looks. Making sure the arm bands are even was damn near impossible. Between Nicole and Addam it took 40 minutes+

Addam checking the fit of the costume, and striking a couture pose. 

Sookie lending a hand. 

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